Sunday, January 30, 2011

A Day In The Life- Project1

This project was an easy one for me. Picking 10 pictures out of the many I took was harder for me than I would have imagined.  Im used to taking photos of people so switching from people to objects is a little bit different and required more thought in the placement and set up of the picture framing. I liked this first project because it was an easy assignment to help us all get used to our new cameras and start to figure out how to use a DSLR if we didn't know already. To describe myself, I've attached 10 pictures. Each picture represents a part of me and/or a specific memory, moment, or person that I believe helped me to be who I am today thus being something that describes me. 
This is my engagement ring and my fiance's promise ring that shows our love and commitment to each other.

I love this picture because it not only shows my ring off on a brilliantly black surface to give it some extra "pop" it shows me and my fiance together as well as showcase some additional smaller jewelry in the background. I chose this picture because I thought it had great depth to it and it was very elegant and classy

This picture is a close up  i personally love. it shows off my brown eyes and red hair which is a big part of my personality and also gives a really elegant yet somber feel to the photo with the black tabletop and the reflection of me slightly showing on the black.

I loved this picture because I believe you can tell a lot about a person by looking at their eyes. You can see a person and "read" a person by looking into their eyes and seeing what is said without saying a word. I love the idea of simple photos expressing deep emotions.

I'm an art student. Having a picture of me drawing is something that any one who knows me would see on a daily basis and therefore I thought was something I would have to include in my 10 defining pictures of me.

Anyone that knows me knows that I have a huge obsession with earrings. I love this picture because it shows an action that normally people don't think about and has a really great light quality to it.

Scrapbooking is my biggest hobby and is a book to showcase the best moments in life

I originally was not going to include this picture but after looking through my pictures over and over again I kept coming back to this one for the depth it shows. The small piece of hair dangling in the middle of the frame has such detail to it that i think it gives the rest of the photo a great aspect. 

I love mirror reflection photography and find it to be very fun and artistic when done correctly. I love this picture for the backlight that surrounds my head and the soft lighting. The split mirror allows you to see both the original and the mirror image and i think being able to see the smallest bit of my hand on the left portion of the photo allows the photo go a little bit farther than some mirror image photography.
This is my favorite photo. I love the black and white and I love the black table with the blurred reflection. Im very into classic and vintage style elegant pictures and this is something I believe I could see in a persons photo album or wedding album. Wedding photography is something I'm very interested in and would love to do. The depth is captivating and I love the extra smaller jewelry in the background that leads the viewers eye to the picture on the white box in the back and also to the ring blurred in the front.